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DynaMop® at Paris Int'l Invention Show - 【Central News Agency】


The Paris International Invention Show [Concours Lepine] along with the Geneva Invention show evolved to be authoritative and concentration spot of  innovative products.  Taiwanese businesses and universities have been honored at the invention shows in recent years.
DynaMop®'s premium centrifugal spin mop wins Gold Medal in this year's Paris Invention Show.  CEO Mr. Hou explains the award winning design to His Excellency Michael Liu, Ambassador to France accompanied by Chairman Gerard Doray during their visit to the show booth.
Mr. Hou later told the Central News Agency reporter that DynaMop® has been awarded patent rights in two critical and key components of the spin mop device, namely the spinning mechanism for which the gold medal was awarded to and the specially designed fluffy type microfiber mophead that is absorbent, best in picking up and releasing dirts and be long lasting.  He gives full credit to the relentless efforts by his R&D team for the honor.


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